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Basic Course (First level)


- Basic Course (First level) -



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Vittoria Poli – avvocato, co-founder ISN, Direttore sviluppo e formazione, Trainer ISN Model©


Filippo Martini – Training and Project Strategist ISN LAB “Gruppo giovani di ricerca e studio”, selezione e formazione studenti squadre universitarie per competizioni, eventi nazionali mediazione e negoziazione. 

Live online (16 ore)

Live online course

Vittoria Poli - isn, Lawyer, co-founder, development and training director, isn training model© 

Filippo Martini - training and project strategist isn lab “youth group of research and study” selecting and training student university teams for competitions, national events mediation and negotiation.




The strength of the ISN Training Model© is to work in teams, in real time, on two fronts - NEGOTIATION and EMPOWERMENT - to concretely develop the skills needed for negotiation.


Negotiation Preparation (ISN Training Model©): 


  • work on the three dimensions of negotiation to generate valuable relationships and lasting agreements: people, the problem and the negotiation process;

  • moving from conflict to cooperation through relationship management, communication, personality and power. 



  • Become aware of cognitive, emotional and character obstacles to communication and relationship.

  • Understand the real needs of the parties to the negotiation, on which to build a negotiation.

  • Identify the parties' motivations for pushing them to action or agreement-making.

  • Improve one's confidence and trust to build effective negotiation.

  • Understand how emotions can help us to deal with customer concerns and reassure them with a positive attitude.

  • Improving interpersonal relationships and the ability to communicate consciously: training personal negotiation skills.



A concrete and enabling way of training. You acquire knowledge, method and techniques essential for negotiating professionally, combining hard and soft skills to enhance your “Human and Life Abilities.”


  1. Pre-assessment to assess:


  • learning objectives and expectationsthe knowledge of the subjects;

  • the possible application of the course subjects, skills, methodologies in the specific professional fields;

  • Such interactive reporting allows ISN to identify the needs of the various targets, improve and personalize both the training and the learning experience.


2. Post-training feed-back to evaluate:

  • content, teaching, activations, topics of interest.


3. Issuance of certificate of attendance following compliance with the required amount of hours and upon completion of the final test. 


Constant teamwork in co-presence of two lecturers to create dynamism and interaction, work in real time on two fronts: negotiation and empowerment, and concretely develop the skills needed to negotiate professionally.


Teaching materials

  • PDF publications

  • Bibliography and sitography 

  • Final self-assessment test


Target audience

The course is intended for anyone who manages negotiating relationships with domestic and international stakeholders



4 meetings of 4 hours



Italian or English



- Basic Courses (Second level) -




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Antonio TODARO

Vittoria Poli – avvocato, co-founder ISN, Direttore sviluppo e formazione, Trainer ISN Model©


Filippo Martini – Training and Project Strategist ISN LAB “Gruppo giovani di ricerca e studio”, selezione e formazione studenti squadre universitarie per competizioni, eventi nazionali mediazione e negoziazione.


Antonio Todaro – Istruttore di Tecniche Operative, Negoziatore di Primo Livello della Polizia di Stato - esperto in F.A.C.S. Facial Action Coding System sistema di riconoscimento Microespressioni Facciali e Riconoscimento Menzogna.

Live online

June 20-27 /July 4-11

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.



July 19-20, 2024 In-person (weekend formula*)

9 a.m.-6 p.m.


(including coffe-tea breaks and light lunch) - B&B/Hotel conventions in Franciacorta. On request we organize dinner in Franciacorta cellers.

Blended course

Vittoria Poli - ISN, Lawyer, co-founder, development and training director, ISN Training Model© 


Filippo Martini - Training and Project Strategist ISN LAB “Youth Group of Research and Study” selecting and training student University Teams for competitions, national events mediation and negotiation.


Antonio Todaro - Operations Techniques Instructor, State Police First Level Negotiator - Expert in F.A.C.S. Facial Action Coding System Facial Microexpressions and Lie Recognition System.




Never before has reality sent us a loud and clear message on a daily basis: negotiation is the unfailing missing link in everyone's personal and professional training to understand, manage and resolve any crisis or conflict situation in a proactive rather than destructive, cooperative rather than competitive manner. 


The illusion is to believe that talent, intuition and improvisation are enough to deal with any negotiation, but this is not the case. Negotiating effectively is an Art that requires skills, specific competencies, methodology and lots of practice, but above all a deep understanding of oneself and of human nature, with its dynamics and specificities.


Theory and Practice (16 hours live online - 16 hours in-person) - live online


Negotiation is also called a Science and an Art because its learning requires study and application. The first part of the course includes an explanation of the fundamentals, flanked by practical preparatory exercises.


Workshop - simulation of a multilateral negotiation (16 hours) – Face-to-face 
One of the added values of the International School of Negotiation is the presence of the permanent laboratory (ISN LAB): an interdisciplinary environment and working model, based on simulations of case studies built by reworking real cases.


Training activity task + LAB prepare to deal with complex negotiations through in-depth knowledge of negotiation processes:

  • How to prepare and conduct a negotiation 

  • Styles and tactics to use and mistakes to avoid during a negotiation 

  • How to generate options and be creative in negotiation 

  • Understanding the different negotiation style and management of our negotiating partners in negotiation

  • Recognize communication and behavioral patterns appropriate for different cultures and genders

  • Be aware of how people make decisions

  • Manage relationships by exerting influence through acquired negotiation skills and mindset


To improve the ability to build cooperative relationships through awareness of one's knowledge, skills and experience (rational aspects) and one's feeling and being (emotional, character and cultural aspects) in any interpersonal context.



A concrete and enabling way of training. You acquire knowledge, method and techniques essential for negotiating professionally, combining hard and soft skills to enhance your “Human and Life Abilities.”


  1. Pre-assessment to assess:

  • learning objectives and expectationsthe knowledge of the subjects;

  • the possible application of the course subjects, skills, methodologies in the specific professional fields;

  • Such interactive reporting allows ISN to identify the needs of the various targets, improve and personalize both the training and the learning experience.


2. Post-training feed-back to evaluate:

  • content, teaching, activations, topics of interest.


3. Issuance of certificate of attendance following compliance with the required amount of hours and upon completion of the final test. 


Constant teamwork in co-presence of two lecturers to create dynamism and interaction, work in real time on two fronts: negotiation and empowerment, and concretely develop the skills needed to negotiate professionally.


Teaching materials

  • PDF publications

  • Bibliography and sitography 

  • Final self-assessment test


Target audience

The course is aimed at anyone who manages negotiating relationships with domestic and international stakeholders, in any professional field and context. 



16 hours online and 16 hours in-person 



Italian or English

ADVANCED courses


- advanced courses -


Live online (16 hours)


Full course (32 hours: 16 hours live online + 16 hours in-person LAB)

Live online course

Negotiation and persuasion: 
how to get the other person to say “yes"


Negotiation is the way to connect with the other person through active listening, empathy, and the right words. Simple to say, but not easy to put into practice.

Acquiring these interaction skills requires methodological preparation, constant training, and lots of experience in the field.

Jack Cambria shares his long experience as a professional negotiator (more than 33 years as a negotiator on the New York Department's elite Hostage Negotiation Team) and teaches us how to approach complex negotiations based, not only on intuition and pesonal experience, but primarily through the use of empathic communication, negotiation strategies and techniques to find mutually satisfying solutions.



The fundamentals of negotiation

The ethics of persuasion

The 4 stages of effective negotiation.


  1. The principles of negotiation

  2. The rule of the 3 “E's” and the 3 “A's”

  3. Words to avoid and proper sentence formulation

  4. Move from the “what” to the “how” to conclude successful negotiations and open and maintain profitable long-term relationships.



Achieve satisfactory solutions for all parties (win-win) through the use of refined persuasion tools.



A concrete and enabling way of training. You acquire knowledge, method and techniques essential for negotiating professionally, combining hard and soft skills to enhance your “Human and Life Abilities.”


  1. Pre-assessment to assess:

  • learning objectives and expectationsthe knowledge of the subjects;

  • the possible application of the course subjects, skills, methodologies in the specific professional fields;

  • Such interactive reporting allows ISN to identify the needs of the various targets, improve and personalize both the training and the learning experience.


2. Post-training feed-back to evaluate:

  • content, teaching, activations, topics of interest.


3. Issuance of certificate of attendance following compliance with the required amount of hours and upon completion of the final test. 


Constant teamwork in co-presence of two lecturers to create dynamism and interaction, work in real time on two fronts: negotiation and empowerment, and concretely develop the skills needed to negotiate professionally.


Teaching materials

  • Slide

  • Teaching notes

  • Final self-assessment test


Target audience

The course is aimed at anyone who manages negotiating relationships with domestic and international stakeholders, in any professional field and context.



16 hours online and 16 hours in-person (workshops 2 editions per year)






- advanced courses -

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Antonio AGAIN

Antonio ANCORA is a Senior Officer at the NATO Support and Procurement Agency and the adjunct lecturer in Negotiation at the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Global Scale Network. Previously, Antonio worked in the different leading positions for the Ministry of Defence of Italy, concluding his duty service as Chief of Procurement Office. He was appointed as MOUs Negotiator by the United Nations to conduct negotiations between the UN and Contributor Countries. Antonio has been inspired by different negotiation courses from Harvard -Massachusetts to Beirut. His teaching activity focuses on how humans can better perform negotiations against AI agents and how organizations can improve their negotiation skills. ​

Subscription fee


Live online (16 hours)

Live online course

Online Negotiations

Antonio ANCORA is Senior Officer at the NATO Support and Procurement Agency and Adjunct Lecturer in Negotiation at the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Global Scale Network. Previously, Antonio worked in several senior positions for the Italian Ministry of Defense, ending his service as Chief Procurement Officer. He was appointed MOU negotiator by the United Nations to lead negotiations between the UN and contributing countries. Antonio has been inspired by various negotiation courses, from Harvard-Massachusetts to Beirut. His teaching focuses on how humans can improve negotiations against artificial intelligence agents and how organizations can improve their negotiation skills. 


How to negotiate through email, whatsapp, video conferencing and through the use of Artificial Intelligence. 

During the negotiation simulation, all participants conduct negotiations in pairs in a real negotiation scenario.



To acquire skills and develop abilities to build effective negotiation strategies to successfully conduct any remote negotiation with all communication tools and AI.



A concrete and enabling way of training. You acquire knowledge, method and techniques essential for negotiating professionally, combining hard and soft skills to enhance your “Human and Life Abilities.”


  1. Pre-assessment to assess:

  • learning objectives and expectationsthe knowledge of the subjects;

  • the possible application of the course subjects, skills, methodologies in the specific professional fields;

  • Such interactive reporting allows ISN to identify the needs of the various targets, improve and personalize both the training and the learning experience.


2. Post-training feed-back to evaluate:

  • content, teaching, activations, topics of interest.


3. Issuance of certificate of attendance following compliance with the required amount of hours and upon completion of the final test. 


Constant teamwork in co-presence of two lecturers to create dynamism and interaction, work in real time on two fronts: negotiation and empowerment, and concretely develop the skills needed to negotiate professionally.


Target audience

The course is aimed at anyone who manages negotiating relationships with domestic and international stakeholders, in any professional field and context. 



8 hours online + 8 hours in-person (1 annual workshop)


Teaching materials

  • Slides






- advanced courses -


Donatella Daniela ACQUATI

Donatella Daniela ACQUATI

Membro del Comitato dei Saggi  Advisory Board di SIETAR Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (sezione Italia).
Cross Cultural Awareness and International Management Advisor. Intercultural Leadership & Skills Executive Trainer, University Professor

Consulente, Formatrice e Docente Universitario con specifico interesse per il pilastro scientifico della comunicazione interculturale organizzativa.   

Scheduled from September


Live online or face-to-face course

Live online or in-presence online course

Intercultural Organizational Communication: 

dynamics and decision-making processes in complex contexts


Donatella Daniela ACQUATI

Member of the Sages Advisory Board of SIETAR Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (Italy section).

Cross Cultural Awareness and International Management Advisor. Intercultural Leadership & Skills Executive Trainer, University Professor.

Consultant, Trainer and University Professor with specific interest in the scientific pillar of organizational intercultural communication.   



Module 1: Introduction key concepts and fundamentals of Organizational Intercultural Communication, analyzing the influence of different cultural mindsets in communication and decision-making processes 


Module 2: Insight into the skills needed for effective communication. Practical strategies for harmonizing multiple cultural backgrounds (in the professional, corporate, individual population)


Module 3: Decision-making processes in complex contexts, techniques and practical tools to facilitate and improve their impact and effectiveness 


Module 4: Realistic scenarios and practical applications of acquired skills, effectiveness of communication strategies, resources and tools for development and continuous updating from a life-long learning perspective



To understand and manage organizational communication and dynamics in decision-making processes in contexts characterized by complexity and multiple cultural backgrounds.  

Activity presentation:

  • Study and analysis of specific cases for understanding the dynamics, with evidence of challenges and successes. 

  • Hands-on workshop with exercises and simulations. 

  • Guided discussion for effective strategies and areas for improvement. Review of key concepts and resources for continuous self-study.


Teaching materials

  • Slides

  • PDF publications 

  • Bibliography and sitography

  • Final self-assessment test


Target audience

The course is aimed at anyone who manages negotiating relationships with domestic and international stakeholders, in any professional field and context. 



16 hours live online or 2 days of 8 hours in person






- advanced courses -

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Antonio TODARO

First level negotiator of the State Police - Operational Techniques Instructor - Police School Trainer - Expert in Scientific Analysis of Non-Verbal Communication, Decoding Facial Microexpressions - FACS - Lie Recognition

Subscription fee


​In presence (16 hours LAB)

In-person course


The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is considered the main method for the standardized analysis of facial behavior worldwide. You can apply it at work, in business, in criminological, clinical and personal fields to discover the hidden intentions of your interlocutor.



  • Non-verbal communication

  • How to recognize hidden emotions

  • Analysis of facial microexpressions

  • How to recognize lies

  • Gestural motor behavior analysis systems



  • Read each other's real intentions through body language

  • Scientific Analysis of Facial Microexpressions with FACS

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  • Lie Recognition Techniques

  • Persuasion Techniques and Non-Verbal Effectiveness

  • Identify and bring out hidden emotions

  • How to do a non-verbal microanalysis in criminological contexts,

  • Clinical, Managerial, Staff Selection, Negotiation and in

  • Interpersonal relationships

  • Increase emotional intelligence


A concrete and enabling way of training. You acquire knowledge, method and techniques essential for professional negotiation, combining hard and soft skills to enhance your "Human and Life Abilities":

1. Pre-assessment to evaluate:

  • learning objectives and expectations

  • knowledge of the topics

  • the possible application of the subjects, skills and methodologies of the course in specific professional fields. This interactive reporting allows ISN to identify the needs of the various targets, improve and personalize both the training and the learning experience.

2. Post training feedback to evaluate:

  • contents, teaching, activations, topics of interest.

3. Issue of the certificate of participation following compliance with the required number of hours and the outcome of the final test.


Teaching tools

  • slides

  • PDF publications

  • final self-evaluation test

The course is aimed at anyone who manages negotiating relationships with national and international interlocutors, in every professional context and context.
Not only that, to anyone interested in (re)getting to know their interlocutor.


8 hours online + 8 hours in person (1 laboratory per year)


English or Italian

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